Transported goods

We specialize in the international transport of goods of different volumes, from one colli to a full truckload. We offer grupage transport services, along with reloading and door-to-door service - direct transport from the forwarder to the recipient, except for reloading warehouses, which significantly reduces the service time. We offer transportation, storage and distribution services, and our fleet allows us to transport the following products:

 We have the following certificates and permissions:

  • ATP - allowing international transport of perishable foodstuffs,
  • ADR - in compliance with which all our drivers have been duly trained and authorized to transport hazardous goods, and our vehicles have been equipped in accordance with the binding provisions of law entitling us to transport ADR goods,
  • Permission to transport solid waste,
  • We transport goods on the basis of the TIR Carnet - Transport to non-member states


  • We are in the process of obtaining AEO certification.
Realizacja: Dianthus
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